A Division of Ceco Environmental

BUSCH International
BUSCH Products and Services

BUSCH INTERNATIONAL is a quality oriented company, with a forty year background of service to steel, aluminum, chemical, paper , glass, cement, power generation and related industries. In addition to a complete line of custom-engineered, high quality precision manufactured products, BUSCH International provides a wide range of special services, including conceptual studies, application engineering, and system startup.

BUSCH International designs, manufacturers and supplies equipment that "conditions" air ... filters, cools, heats. humidifies, or dehumidifies it for industrial use.

BUSCH International is recognized world.wide as providing the best available control technology for the capture and collection of emissions produced by steel and aluminum rolling mills.

BUSCH International's patented JETSTAR strip cooler, strip dryer, coil cooler and strip blow-off systems are the metals industry's most efficient technology.

BUSCH International is an equipment supplier specializing in air-related applications. Other products and services include:

  • STUDIES - Evaluation of problems associated with the ventilation of electrical equipment, pressurization and cooling of control/motor rooms, rolling mill fume exhaust, hoods for smoke and dust, strip cooling/drying, and other related topics
  • DRY SCRUBBERS - Gaseous and particulate control systems for aluminum anode baking furnaces, potlines, and secondary melting.
  • IFC (TM)- Inlet Filtration Compartment incorporating self-cleaning or replaceable filters for large gas turbines and compressors.
  • SIMPULSE (TM) - Air filtration unit incorporating self-cleaning filters for small compressors.
  • WET SCRUBBERS - Gaseous and particulate control systems for various steel industry applications.
  • PULPITS - Heavy-duty enclosure for personnel and equipment.

For further information about BUSCH International Products use the electronic form available here, or contact:

OFFICE: (330) 499-1779
FAX: (330) 499-0916
Email info@dwaassoc.com

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